Bookish Somethings

Bookish Somethings

The caffeine induced ramblings of a small town book nerd.

Fright Fall Read-a-thon #FrightFall


FrightFall Read-a-Thon


So all the fall fun begins! This is my favorite time of the year. I love Halloween. So I'm excited about this one. As everyone may notice I have beyond sucked at well everything reading related. I have books I've read and haven't put in and books haven't been reviewed. I've had read-a-thons that I signed up for and in the end didn't participate in even though they were favorites. Life has just been insane. I went back to school and I'm that at night. I'm working from 7 a.m. to anywhere from 5:30 to 6:00. Plus still no internet at home because I can't find one I like. So.... makes for a lot of stuff not getting done. I'm hoping to get some reading in this week! 

Bout of Books 11 Sign Up
Bout of Books

It is coming... As usually I plan on signing up and participating as much as I can. Especially since this one starts the first day of the new school year starts at work. Scary busy I tell you. But I want to try. So here's rhe blurb courtesy of the Bout of Books site and let the countdown begin...


he Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team





High Summer Read-a-thon Wrap Up
High Summer Read-a-Thon

So this wrap up was supposed to be posted like a while ago and I'm a slow ass... my bad. I did get two books read for this one!


Tyler by Jo Raven

All Night Long by Madelynne Ellis


So proud. I made my goal!!! Now here's to hoping I can link up still lol. I did however learn that my new replacement Kindle HDX has the very same issue my other did... awesome. In 3 months it'll be two kindles. Kind of ticked about that.

2nd Annual Beat the Heat Read-a-thon Sign Up's

I flippin' loved this read-a-thon last year! I sucked, but I still loved it! By the time we got to the end... they extended it! Because they're just so awesome like that! I love the long read-a-thon's. I think they're great because lately I have suked horribly at read-a-thon's. But I love them, so I cannot not sign up. Plus I follow both of the hosting blogs (they're awesome!). So let's get the ball rolling and state my intent to sign up! *happy dances* For other's information... here are the rules in case your interested and you can click on the button it will take you to Novel Heartbeat sign up post. So the rules as posted on Novel Heartbeat (and yes I got these from the Novel Heartbeat I have nothing to do with them.. all credit to the hosting blogs)


The Rules:


  • The Beat the Heat Readathon runs from August 11th to September 1st. What does this readathon entail, you ask? Well, read as much or as little as you want – the main point is to READ! You set your own goal, and for three weeks you read as many books as you can/want to reach your goal!
  • There will be mini-challenges throughout the Readathon for participants, along with a grand prize giveaway at the end!
  • Sign up here at Novel Heartbeat or over at Phantasmic Reads. You may join whenever you like, but to be eligible for our grand prize giveaway, you must sign up by August 24th.
  • To join, all you have to do is make a sign-up post – even if it’s just a “Let’s do this!” thing – and add your post URL to the linky below! You can put your goals and progress (will be required for the final giveaway) in your sign-up post, or you can make it separate. Totally up to you! (You are welcome to use the template we provide as well.)
  • In order to enter for the grand prize, you must have a post to keep track of your progress so we can see that you participated.


So let's do this!!!

High Summer Read-a-thon... GO! Starting Line and Updates
High Summer Read-a-ThonI am in a weird mood today. I was supposed to post this yesterday and well I didn't get a chance lol.

My goals are on my sign up post. This one runs with Wicked Wildfire for a little. It was to read 2 books. One being a library book and the other a book off my kindle without buying a book. Guess what... I bought a flippin' book! My willpower is non-exsistant when it comes to books. So here we go...





Bought a book. All Night Long by Madelynne Ellis and got to 50%



It's as hot as hades and I feel like complete crap today... plus our air is broke. I have done no reading as of yet because... well... I feel like passing out lol.

Wicked Wildfire Read-a-thon Starting Line and Updates

Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon

So we begin... my sign up post has my goals listed. So this post I will use to keep track of my updates and such!




Week 1:

Not such a strong start... at all. I started a boo, The Taken by Vicki Pettersson, but didn't get very far into it and it isn't doing a great job of holding my interest honestly.



No reading. Seriously... I watched an entire season of Castle. I'm horrible I know.



OMG! I read! Like a chapter of The Taken... it's not catching me too well....


Monday Week 2:

Holy Wow! I read quite a bit! Bought a new book... my willpower is horrible when it comes to books... All Night Long by Madelynne Ellis. It's good. I'm at 50%



Completed a mini-challenge! YAY! The Cover puzzles done by April! Loved them they are always fun! I was ticked the other day when my mouse wouldn't work on them!

High Summer Read-a-thon Sign Up


High Summer Read-a-Thon

I'm on a roll today! So this one overlaps with the Wicked Wildfire Read-a-thon a little bit... I have done horribly with these Read-a-thon's so I'm not going to go to crazy with goals...


2 books...

1 of them a library book

So those are my awesome amazing goals for this one. Thinking about it... I think I may have another rread-a-thon that overlaps both... I will have to check.

Wicked Wildfire Read-a-thon Sign Up

Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon I have been absent for a while now... working full time does that I guess lol. I am also WAY behind on my yearly book challenges,  so much so that I may be withdrawing from a couple. I just can't keep up... but then there's this here Wicked Wildfire Read-a-thon... maybe play some catch up! *Does happy dance*

So my goals are going to be simple. I'm not going to set myself up way high and then fail miserably because then I get all bummed out... so...


Read 3 books. 

At least 1 of those books a library book.

Do NOT buy a book for this.

Pop in on a Twitter party.

Do one mini-challenge. 

Okay, so that seems slightly high lol. I made the goalsnto read at least one of the llibrary books I have out because lately I've had this issue with never picking them up after checking them out. Also to not buy because well... I have an extensive library on my Kindle already. So here we go... have fun... and good luck with those goals.

Reblogged Image
Reblogged from Tired of Spamlikes
Cover Reveal -Bound By Flames ( Night Prince #3 )

cover I am insanely excited for this book, so when I saw that someone had blogged the cover reveal... I had to reblog! Love it!

Reblogged from No More Booklikes, BYE
Audiobook Challenge Update

Been a while since I have been on here! Anyway my update is short and sweet since my Challenge page is up to date as far as this challenge goes...

I have listened to only one Audiobook so far, but I have bought several that I am planning on listening to. I have one downloading now. I have another in mind, but I am waiting on the library to get it. That will bring me to my goal!


My one audiobook is Divergent. One my challenge page the title links to my review!


I hope everyone is having good luck with their challenge!

Bout of Books 10.0 Wrap Up
Bout of Books


I got sick... really sick. I didn't read a whole lot at all. I started a book, but didn't finish it.

I did finish 2 novellas though. I also didn't keep up with updates or twitter chat or a challenege. I feel miserable. Plus I have a huge work decision to be made today. Crazy week. So...


Dane: A Christmas Wish

A Mackenzie Christmas


Those are the novellas that got read. Not so great, but I got something in. I think it's time to re-evaluate my yearly challenges and such because this is so not working. It's depressing really. I love to read and love to participate in these and review. I have got to figure this out. I hope everyone else did better and read loads! 

3.5 Stars
A Mackenzie Christmas by Liliana Hart review
A MacKenzie Christmas - Liliana Hart

In this one we meet Grant Mackenzie. He is a cousin to Cooper, Dane, Riley and Thomas. He is the one really ready to settle down. His siblings are far from it, but Grant is. For a long time Grant has been in love with his little sisters college best friend Annabeth. What he doesn't realize is Annabeth has been in love with him for just as long. We see fate work it's magic and them come together. It is another steamy and sweet read that I really enjoyed. The characters were good for a novella and it was an enjoyable read. A little quick for me, but hey it happens.

3.5 Stars
Dane: A Christmas Wish by Liliana Hart Review
A Christmas Wish: Dane (MacKenzie Family) - Liliana Hart

There's not much of a review for this one because I've already reviewed the characters. This was a short little continuation of Dane and it was really sweet. We revisited characters and found out how they wrapped things up. It was short and sweet, steamy and romantic and a cute read. 

4 Stars
Riley by Liliana Hart Review
Riley (The MacKenzie Brothers #3) - Liliana Hart

I liked Riley! So far he is my favorite. Riley is the second youngest Mackenzie and I loved him! He is an expert of Egyptian Artifacts and a professor. He meets his heroine, Maggie, because she ends up with a priceless artifact that has put her life in danger. Maggie seeks Riley out after being told to after not hearing from who sent her this artifact after 3 days. Riley realizing the gravity of the situation goes into protection mode and takes Maggie to Surrender. They share a couple steamy days together and deal with a crazy situation. 

Even though in my eyes the situation is very unlikely, it was still good. I really liked reading Riley. Riley has to be my favorite Mackenzie honestly, but I also haven't read Cooper's yet. So great read!

3.5 Stars
Thomas by Liliana Hart Review
Thomas (The MacKenzie Brothers, #2) - Liliana Hart

I didn't like Thomas as much as I liked Dane. Still a great story, but not as good as Dane. As I read the series I'm still confused on the order of the Mackenzie guys. I believe Thomas is the youngest. Thomas is the doctor of the family. He took over the local practice of Surrender. He also is the one that resides in the family home. While working on the family home there's an accident and this marks Cat's crashing into Thomas's life. I didn't like Cat as much either. She was just too far fetched for me. I get that her career choice occurs every day, but still. They also just jump in so fast that it's kind of unbelievable. They just go for it. There's not really any preamble or anything... just jump for it. That kind of bugged me. At least their way did. Although they were still definitely hot!

Again, it was a good book. A short, steamy read if that's what your looking for. It was also still a fun one to read. Check it out!