This was a very, very short read... but good. The pacing was really nice and you got the right amount of info for as quick of a book as it was.
Dane Mackenzie has been gone for ten years following Military units through the Middle East as a journalist. He left a lot in his hometown including the girl he has loved all his life. But she left too after he did. Returning home is bittersweet, especially when he walks into Charlie's automotive and comes face to face with said girl... Charlotte. Charlotte had to leave, but when circumstances forced her to go home after ten years she sets up home. Things have changed for Charlie and she avoided the Mackenzie brothers as well as she could... but coming face to face with the one she loved not in the plans. Face to face once again things heat up and secrets come out.
It was short and sweet... and steamy. The characters were simple and fun. It was worth the read and I plan on reading more of the Mackenzie novels.