2 Read-a-thonw at the same time you say? Hell yeahs! Dumb I know, sorry I had a moment there. Moving on. Yes the Va Va Voom and Wicked Valentines Read-a-thon overlap. Awesomeness. So many of my goals will be the same for this one with an addition since Wicked Valentine's run Feb. 7 to Feb. 17. So the goals....
Drew + Fable Forever
My Life Next Door
Be With Me
HOPEFULLY get 1 more book in.
1 Mini-challenge
Remember the Twitter Chat
Those are my goals. I've had the one on my currently reading shelf forever now. Its time to crack it open and finish it. Plus I have an entire pile of library books that need read. I'm not sure any of those are romance. I will have to determine that. I'm hoping that I don't end all horribly stressed out and unable to read like my last read-a-thon. It really turned into an epic fail and I HATE that so much. For me to get so stressed I can't even read, it's real bad. So good luck and happy reading to those participating! I hope everyone has fun!