So I am a HUGE fan of the Significance Series. I first found it in September 2011 when I got my first official Kindle (after I had had the Android app for a couple months). I had been looking through the Kindle store for new books and BAM! there it was. I even think this series helped with my fear of finishing a series syndrome because I still have yet to read Independence. I just wasn't ready for it to end! I know it's kind of dumb and makes zero sense. Now... Independence is not the last book and I am fan-girling like crazy! We get another novella AND another book! HOLY WOW BATMAN... THAT IS AWESOME! As you can see if you know the series she has kept true with covers and it goes right with the others. I always like Shelly's covers. I don't have the blurb just yet, but I will share when I do. 

Another special mention... this is my first cover reveal! Yes, I have reblogged one (oddly enough it was for M. Leighton who I discovered at the same time with Blood Like Poison series). BUT this is the first I have set up and done and I am so glad to share Shelly Crane's Consequence as my first. 

You can get more info about Consequence on Shelly's blog!

Follow her however you'd like to get the latest on all her projects!