
I really like Jennifer Armentrout's books, especially her Luz series. I had heard a lot about her Covenant Series and after the YA Crush Tournament I decided it was one of the series of books I desperately needed to read. Aiden seemed to be a very popular character and the reviews were great. I also like Greek Mythology, so I thought hey why not. Half-Blood is really good and I liked it, but not as much as I thought I would. Don't get me wrong... it is a great book and I loved the story. ialso really liked the characters, but it just wasn't my favorite.
Alex is strong willed and stubborn, but smart too. She knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to fight for or work for it. I liked her sarcasm as well. Aiden I adored, but no where near as much as JLA's Daemon. I liked his quiet demeanor and his morals. I also liked how caring he was, but in that masculine way. And Seth... he is something else. I liked the story and I will read the whole series, it just really screamed Vampire Academy to me. I will also tell people it is worth reading for sure and its really well written. Its just not one of the books I go crazy over, not like I thought I would.
Alex is strong willed and stubborn, but smart too. She knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to fight for or work for it. I liked her sarcasm as well. Aiden I adored, but no where near as much as JLA's Daemon. I liked his quiet demeanor and his morals. I also liked how caring he was, but in that masculine way. And Seth... he is something else. I liked the story and I will read the whole series, it just really screamed Vampire Academy to me. I will also tell people it is worth reading for sure and its really well written. Its just not one of the books I go crazy over, not like I thought I would.