Catching Jordan - Miranda Kenneally
Super cute book.
I loved every character in this book whole-heartedly. They were all great... all-american teenagers in my book. They all dealt with issuesvery real to teens their age and Kenneally didn't beat around the bush about them either. It's very hard for grls to play a male sport. I grew up with a couple girls who actually wrestled with the boys team and they went through a lot. Its hard fr a girl to be taken seriously and Kenneally showed this. She showed how difficult it was for Jordan and how Jordan walked on egg shells throwing what she wanted away for her fear of her team no longer taking her serously. But her guys stood behind her, excepted her and never doubted her. Kenneally also showed us a big pink elephant... a best frend falling for their best friend. Hard. It can go great or tank. I loved Henry and how Henry and Jordan were with each other. I was rooting for them. Don't get me wrong... I loved ty, but he had some issues of his own to work out. I'm glad though that Ty and Jordan didn't become an outrageous drama. I felt for Henry throughout the book and Jordan. Their relationship had to have gotten confusing and it made me it wasn't me, lol. Very cute story and I will definately be following this series through.