Storm - Brigid Kemmerer
I have seen Storm reviewed by several bloggers I follow and I've heard great things. I decided to read it for the read along to celebrate the release of the next book in the series Spirit. I figured why not. I got a copy from my library.
I read Elemental first and loved it. I really liked Michael and the others. Storm picks up five years after the events of Elemental and we find that things have changed drastically for the Merrick boys. The only that really hasn't is the hostility towards them from the other Elemental in town. It actually has gotten worse. Now Chris Merrick is a Junior in high school and the twins, Nick and Gabriel, are Seniors. They h ave all grown up and grown into their abilities. We start Storm with Becca leaving the school late and happening on a fight. Chris is being beaten by a couple other boys. Becca saves Chris by running the other boys off and gets him home. This starts off an action packed series of events where Becca has many more run in's with Chris and the Twins and almost gets them all killed. We see Michael trying hard to keep his brothers out of trouble and harms way. Plus we get a new boy thrown in the mix... Hunter. This book was full of action and events. It was hard to put down to do anything other than read the book. It was very good qnd had some great twists.
The Merrick boys are hot. I like them all so much that it is really hard to choose a favorite. At this point I don't think I'm going to either. Since this was Chris's story I will start with him. Chris is the baby of the family. He grew up a lot since Elemental and fits the bill as hot. I love his ability. Water is his element. He is actually pretty good with his abilities. I was really impressed with him. He had a thing with fitting in with the other two brothers in high school. Chris seemed to be the shy, quiet one. Gabriel is hilarious! His fiery attitude fits his element... fire. He tends to be an ass, but there is a definite reason for it. He is more outgoing, probably the most outgoing of the bunch. He is also the most athletic. And of course he is gorgeous and so is his twin. Nick is the air element. He is level-headed and calm. He plays everyone's peace keeper. He seems quiet and shy, but there are times in the book where an outgoing nature sneaks up on you. He is also funny. Michael has changed a lot. He is older, more mature and carries a ton of pent up emotion. I like Michael since Elemental and I am preety anxious for his story. Now for Becca. I really liked Becca. She was intelligent, strong, brave, but neive as to what was around her. But that naivety did not make her, it was just simply something about her. She was not annoying about it. She just simply did not know a few things. She also did not dwell on things that happened. She was in no way a poor me type of person. She stood her ground and fought back. She was also very caring and kind, but those things did not make her a neive. She just lacked knowledge. Then she also had a good amount of snark to her. Then there's Becca's best friend Quinn. I bring her up because we will be seeing more of her. I am not all that fond of Quinn really. She has a hard life yes, but she comes off bitchy and over dramatic. There were times I appreciated those qualities about it and I appreciated her loyalty. She was a good friend to Becca when she was around. There were also times in the book that did make me like her to a point I couldn't hate her and to where I'd be willing to bet there's more than meets the eye with her. Last... Hunter. I liked him a lot too. I felt for him and even with how things turned out, I like him and want to know more about him.
So I love the Merrick boys and I like the storyline. I am very excited to start Spark, although I have to wait for my held copy to get to my library. I will be reading Fearless though. The novella between Storm and Spark. It is more about Hunter... so hopefully I will be reading Spark shortly!


By the time I finished the book, I had used so many flags it was insane! I had tons of quotes and it was a little overwhelming. This book was hilarious at places. I enjoyed the banter between everyone, so I'm not going to type out any quotes this time. Sorry. You will just have to read it because it is so worth it!

Elementals Read Along