Hot Ticket (Sinners on Tour, #3) - Olivia Cunning
*Screams and does happy dance*
My lord was this book HOT! Jace... *fans self* I loved Jace. Not gonna lie though, Eric is still by far my favorite and probably even more so now than before because of Hot Ticket. Olivia Cunning manages to top the previous book in this series everytime. This series is HOT and amazing and i'm really glad I was pointed towards it as I have said in I think every review. I love Olivia's writing and all her books. Backstage Pass was great and I liked Brian and Myrna. Rock Hard with Sed and Jessica made Sed and Jessica one of my all time favorite book romances and Rock Hard was quickly my favorite in the series and put Sed right in line for favorite just under Eric. Then Double Time... which was released out of order, but hey it happens and whatever... I always had a special spot for Trey. I really liked him and Trey and Reagan were an amazing couple and the book was insanely hot, but Rock Hard remained my Favorite. The expected release of Wicked Beats... Eric's book i have really high expectations for that book and am insnaely excited for it's release as he is my favorite! Now... Hot Ticket... wow. I can't decide between it and Rock Hard at this point. Just wow... I don't even know what to say I loved Hot Ticket so much. It actually may have surpassed Rock Hard for me.
Jace has always been a mystery. He keeps people at an arms length and no one had any clue as too why. You could from the other books that the band cared about him and thought of him as one of them... as a brother, but Jace always seemed as though he didn't quite know it. And we see that come to a head in Hot Ticket. We learn what is really going on in Jace's head and we see just how much he means to the people around him. Jace is amazingly sweet and I loved him. His past was tragic and I felt for him. I truely understood why he was the way he was and wish things could have been different for such a great person. I liked to see how things turned out and was very happy with it.
Aggie is the shit! I freaking loved her! She is officially my favorite Sinner's girl. I loved the other's don't get me wrong, but Aggie is just awesome. She has her own issues that she fights through, but I love her attitude towards it. I love her push and persevre ways and her live in the now. She was confident without being over confident and actually had a lot more vulnerability than I thought she would from the glimpses I got in Double Time and teasers of her. She was strong-willed and believed in going for what she wanted. I just felt bad for the fact theat she didn't see herself the way others did and ave the confidence to plan for the futures she wanted. She really grew in the book just like Jace and I really enjoyed that about them. Their relationship was amazing. Like the other couples, Jace and Aggie were simply made for each other. It was like puzzle pieces. And their chemistry was explosive. The sex... down right hot! Olivia Cunning knows how to write those scenes perfectly without making it trashy at all! Goes nowhere near it! Love it!
The overall story was very powerful and the things that went on moving. It was emotional and some things were tragic. others just suspenseful and even though with reading Double Time I know the outcome... I can't wait to read Wicked Beats to fill in the gaps between Hot Ticket and Double Time. Another great book Olivia!!!