Wicked Beat (Sinners on Tour, #4) - Olivia Cunning
***eARC provided by publisher for review... also bought it***

*Screams & does happy dance* I LOVE Eric Sticks! He has always been my favorite in the Sinners series. There's something about his goofy personality, his love for his friends, his brutal honesty, his lack of filter between brain and mouth... and well he's hot. I always liked his dialogue in the other books and he always adds the hilarity to the books. Wicked Beat still had all of those qualities, but times like ten. There were some parts that had me laughing so hard my stomach hurt after a while. The sad thing... the series is done. I'm extremely sad to see this because this has become one of my all tieme favorite series.
Wicked Beat picks up right where Hard Ticket left off. They've had some time off and are getting ready to go back on tour, but there's one issue... FOH Sound Engineer Dave won't be able to go back on tour yet. Dave gives the Sinners a solution to this in the form of Rebekah his little sister. Rebekah is a spitfire of a girl and is perfect for Eric. In my opinion Eric Sticks couldn't be with just anyone, but Rebekah is perfect. She has had a rough herself and has come out a better person for it. She can deal with Eric's quirks and appreciates them. We really don't see Eric face his life demons until more towards the end, but we get into his story and it breaks my heart. Rebekah is strong as hell. Too me she is porbably the strongest emotionally out of all the Sinners girls. She has dealt with a huge life changing ordeal and came out with such a great outlook. I admire her the most out of the Sinners girls for sure. I really liked seeing their relationship develop especially with Eric sexual kink. It was definitely hot and I loved the role Trey played in it. He really brought them together in his own unique Trey way. Trey knows Eric well enough to play off on his personality and interests. Plus things mentioned in Double Time make much more sense.
Wicked Beat has solidified it's spot as my favorite in the series. I honestly figured it would, but beating Rock Hard was very hard to do. I absolutely loved Sed & Jessica's book, so Wicked Beat and Rock Hard are my top two... Hard Ticket and Double Time and Backstage Pass are hard to order. As I said, I'm so sad to see them go... but I have this feeling we will see them here and there in the Exodus End books thanks to Dare and Trey. Ok... more like here's to hoping we do. Maybe a novella here or there lol? I'm sorry, but I wasn't ready to stop their series. I am, however, very excited for the Exodus End books. They seem like an interesting bunch.
SO.... I love Wicked Beat and love the Sinners series. Everyone needs to read it! Olivia Cunning is great with dual POV and an amazing story teller. Her characters are always realistic and so are there issues. She has a way of making it about the character and including the music and the life of a celebrity musician without making it fake or falling short with certain details. She never falls short in her books! Read them all people. Seriously.